Break the silence * End the stigma * Never forget
SPEAK UP for BEN, Inc.
is a nonprofit corporation with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
SPEAK UP for BEN, Inc.
is a nonprofit corporation with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
A talented, creative, and fun-loving young man, Ben struggled with anxiety and depression and had difficulty finding his voice. Ben wanted to please others, but in doing so lacked the assertiveness and resiliency skills to advocate for his own needs. This inability resulted in Ben succumbing to peer pressure, leading to recreational drug use, and he developed a substance use disorder (SUD). After a painful infection from an oral surgery procedure, against our directives, Ben was prescribed opioids. He ultimately developed a severe opioid use disorder (OUD). Ben lived with substance use disorders more than eight years, and attempted to overcome it through eleven inpatient rehabs and outpatient programs. Ben experienced a beautiful spiritual awakening through Alcoholics Anonymous, and his faith was deepened. While Ben's life was cut short, his legacy will live on by providing hope, support and resources to many in need. We will never forget Ben, and will speak up to make a difference. Join us.
Benjamin Alden Miller
August 8, 1992—August 1, 2016
Forever 23
We support families who have experienced the stigmatized loss of a loved one from a substance related-cause or a family member’s addiction, to come out of the darkness of the isolation of grief and into the light of a safe community to heal. Our nonprofit operates the OASIS Community Center to provide family support in a gathering place for families to heal, learn, and grow.
We offer meaningful safe support groups and joyful, healing, therapeutic activities for families to learn how to thrive, not just survive, in the wake of trauma and loss experienced as a result of a loved one’s addiction. We help build resiliency.
We create and engage in purposeful service projects to give to the community to encourage and strengthen recovery. Service work is an important part of our healing and recovery from grief.
Our OASIS Community Center provides a welcoming, healing place for families who have suffered a stigmatized loss due to losing a loved one to a substance related cause, or the grief from a loved ones’s active addiction. Your tax-deductible gift in any amount payable to Speak Up for Ben, Inc. will help us continue to provide programs and services to help
families heal. Visit www.oasisbethlehem.org to learn more.
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